How Long Can I Leave ToneWoodAmp Attached To My Guitar?

Leaving the ToneWoodAmp Attached for Extended Periods is Not Recommended.

  1. Recommended removal time: To ensure the protection of your instrument and ToneWoodAmp, it is recommended to remove the TWA after approximately 48 hours of attachment.
  2. Difficulty in removal: Due to the strong magnets and suction rails, extended attachment periods can make it challenging to remove the ToneWoodAmp.
  3. Time limit: Avoid leaving your ToneWoodAmp attached to your guitar for more than 72 hours, as this can make it progressively harder to remove.
  4. Potential damage to suction pads: Extended attachment may flatten and damage the suction pads, affecting their effectiveness.
  5. Installing the ToneWoodAmp: When initially installing your ToneWoodAmp, avoid exposing both suction pads. Keeping one suction pad covered will facilitate easier removal.
  6. Slow removal process: Slowly remove the ToneWoodAmp to allow air to penetrate the suction pad.
  7. Proper removal technique: If the TWA is difficult to remove after extended placement, grip the two long sides of the ToneWoodAmp and use your other hand to get underneath the device. Slowly leverage it upward, allowing air to sip under the suction tape for safe removal. Avoid using excessive force to prevent damage to the ToneWoodAmp.